Play Nostradamus Game at Classic Free ArcadePlay the game Nostradamus for free online in flash at Classic Free Arcade.Please wait for the game to load. Game not loading? Enable Active X Content by clicking the circle with a strike through icon in the address bar (eg ) and clicking the 'Turn Off Active X Filtering' button.
History of NostradamusNostradamus is a vertically shooting arcade game, released by a Japanese company Face in 1993. It follows a classic space shooter genre in its own specific way and allows simultaneous two player cooperative play. The player takes the role of the aircraft pilot (Dalas for player one and Joanna for player two) who controls an advanced space fighter. The general look of the aircraft depends on the player selected and the basic shooting projectile depends on the player's ship. There are several different power-ups and special attacks available for both players. The goal of the game is to defeat hordes of enemies that appear on the screen, while avoiding projectiles and collisions. Each level ends with a final boss that must be defeated in order to advance to the next stage. The game has nothing to do with the actual Nostradamus, apart from a small reference in the story of the game and the portrait of the French seer. Despite that fact, the game has very solid and satisfying gameplay, together with visual and sound effects. It is full of constant shoot-'em-up action and challenge, and is considered a very underrated shooter. In fact, Nostradamus has received many positive reviews from the players who still, up to this day, recommend it to all of the fans of the genre.
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