Play Outzone Game at Classic Free ArcadePlay the game Outzone for free online in flash at Classic Free Arcade.Please wait for the game to load. Game not loading? Enable Active X Content by clicking the circle with a strike through icon in the address bar (eg ) and clicking the 'Turn Off Active X Filtering' button.
History of OutZoneOut Zone is a vertical-scrolling run and gun 1990 arcade game, created by Toaplan. In the game, the player controls a soldier and fights enemies on foot, moving upward through the stage. The movement of the player is not automatic, thus, the game implements a time limit in the form of an energy bar which slowly depletes and causes the player to lose a life when empty. There are two main upgradable weapons and a whole bunch of special bonuses available to the player. At the end of each of the seven long and increasingly difficult levels of the game, a large boss must be defeated in order to advance further into the game. Out Zone was well known for its futuristic setting of the year 2097 and for the action-packed gameplay that the game provided. It was followed up by a game called Fix Eight in 1992. Out Zone received many positive reviews, praised mostly for the unique experience that it provides, as well as for the challenging difficulty level among other things. It is still an object of nostalgic admiration to mature players and a fun challenge to those who love one.
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